Experience The Music

BlindMusician.org was founded in 2008 by Pierce Alexander Lilholt, a blind musician and advocate for accessibility in the music industry. After facing numerous challenges as a blind musician, Pierce recognized the need for a community and resource center dedicated to supporting blind musicians and helping them achieve their goals.

Since its inception, BlindMusician.org has grown to become a leading platform for blind musicians all over the world. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who are committed to promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the music industry.

We offer a wide range of resources and services, including instructional videos and tutorials, access to specialized equipment and technology, and opportunities for collaboration and networking. Our community is made up of blind musicians with a diverse range of musical backgrounds and interests, and we are dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

At BlindMusician.org, we believe that music is a universal language that has the power to connect people and break down barriers. We are dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the music industry and ensuring that blind musicians have a voice.

We are proud of the impact that BlindMusician.org has had on the lives of blind musicians all over the world, and we are committed to continuing our mission of supporting and empowering blind musicians for years to come.